TRON vs EOS vs Bitshares

October 11, 2022

TRON vs EOS vs Bitshares

Welcome to another epic blockchain showdown! In this post, we'll be comparing three blockchain platforms that are making waves in the cryptocurrency world - TRON, EOS, and Bitshares. These platforms have all gained popularity due to their unique features, but the question is, which one is the best for your blockchain needs? Let's dive into the features and numbers of each.


TRON was founded in 2017 by Justin Sun, a protégé of Jack Ma. TRON is a blockchain platform that aims to build a decentralized internet. It is built on a delegated proof of stake (DPoS) consensus, where 27 validators are elected to validate transactions. TRON is known for its high throughput, scalability, and low transaction fees.

  • Current Market Cap: $4.4 Billion
  • Transactions Per Second: 2,000
  • Block Time: 3 seconds
  • Consensus Algorithm: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)
  • Average Transaction Fee: $0.0006


EOS was launched in 2018 by Dan Larimer, who also created Bitshares and Steemit. EOS is a blockchain platform that aims to provide a high-performance infrastructure for decentralized applications. EOS uses a consensus mechanism called delegated proof of stake (DPoS), where token holders vote for validators to confirm transactions. EOS has gained popularity due to its ability to process millions of transactions per second with no fees.

  • Current Market Cap: $3.3 Billion
  • Transactions Per Second: 4,000
  • Block Time: 0.5 seconds
  • Consensus Algorithm: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)
  • Average Transaction Fee: None


Bitshares was founded in 2014 by Dan Larimer, who also created EOS and Steemit. Bitshares is a decentralized exchange that allows users to trade various assets on the blockchain. It uses a consensus mechanism called delegated proof of stake (DPoS), where token holders vote for witnesses to confirm transactions. Bitshares is known for its high capacity, speed, and security.

  • Current Market Cap: $235 Million
  • Transactions Per Second: 3,300
  • Block Time: 3 seconds
  • Consensus Algorithm: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)
  • Average Transaction Fee: $0.0001


Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to the user to decide which platform is best suited for their needs. TRON seems to be the most popular platform of the three, with the highest market cap and moderate transactions per second. EOS has the fastest block time and highest transactions per second, but its market cap is lower than TRON. Bitshares is primarily focused on its decentralized exchange and has lower market capitalization.

So, there you have it, folks! A comparison between TRON vs EOS vs Bitshares. We hope this post has helped you narrow down which platform is right for you. As always, we encourage you to do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.


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